Sunday, July 22, 2012

Power Tower

This tower is one of eight built along the Delaware coastline after Pearl Harbor. After that attack it was believed that the eastern coastline could be in danger, and so the towers were erected in response. German ships were sinking an average of a ship a week during 1942, one of which was the Jacob Jones, torpedoed off the Delaware coast. Over 100 crewmen perished.

Two viewing slits can be seen near the top of the tower. From these spotters could scan the ocean for enemy vessels and direct fire from guns mounted along the coast. On clear days the spotters could see approximately 15 miles out to sea. From the upper level the spotters could scan the Atlantic for enemy vessels; could direct the fire of the guns mounted along the coast.

Constructed to last 20 years, the towers still stand, absorbing a daily salt air scouring.

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